Tattle’s Law – End The Wild Wild West Of Social Media

Social media has revolutionized communication and has countless benefits. Unfortunately there are also lots of negative aspects on society and this largely unregulated industry that has slipped under the radar.

Tattle’s law speaks to protect members of the public, social media influencers and their children from these negative aspects:

Protect Social Media Influencers

There’s downsides of being a public figure and monetizing your private life. This is inevitable and once people start to overshare their private life online they will not be able to control the narrative.

It’s very difficult for social media influencers to see this objectively and they often falsely claim that anything other than praise (on other sites – not sent to them) that they have to go out of their way to read is trolling, harassment, bullying, and stalking.

We see it as vital that people are educated to understand that once they start selling their personal life they are a business and can’t be expected to be treated like an individual when it suits them.

Reality TV programmes now warn their contestants about the negative aspects of fame and we believe all embarking on social media as a business should be educated. Tattle’s law seeks to educate people before they are allowed to monetize their personal life so they understand the implications that come with fame and offering up their private life to the public for remuneration.

So many social media influencers a have very unrealistic expectations that they can control how others perceive them and education would be a valuable tool to combat this.

Tattles law would make it mandatory for governments to effectively regulate social media posts from influencers and for influencers to be held to account if they break the rules.

A Professional Influencer Organisation to Make Social Media Influencers Accountable and Effectively Regulate

Tattles law seeks to make it law that a professional influencers body is setup to benefit both members of the public and social media Influencers.

At the moment the advertising regulators are wholly unable to deal with the huge numbers of adverts consumers are given on social media. Influencers know this and that they can get away with misleading or not disclosing adverts so it’s very common to ignore the rules. This leads to rampant non disclosure for AD content on social media.

The rules on adverts are very simple – if there’s a business arrangement of any sort or if someone receives payment either by a something gifted or money it should clearly say AD right at the start. However many social media posts don’t adhere to the simple rule by either not saying AD at all, hiding AD at the end of a long description or the influencer hiding AD in a deceptive way in an image.

A professional body will effectively make influencers accountable for misleading people and will allow members of the public to report breaches in the rules that they know will be followed up. At the moment breaches of the rules are almost always ignored when reported to the regulators as they don’t have the capacity to deal with the huge volume.

This professional influencer body can be funded by social media influencers as many with a modest following are making more than medical professionals with years of qualifications and training.

Similar to many other professional bodies social media influencers can have a public identification number for their membership of the professional body so that brands only work with people that are a registered member. This will protect brands and give confidence that their organisation is only advertised in accordance with the law and there will be accountability if not.

Working with social media companies like Facebook/Instagram and YouTube it can be made mandatory for someone to be a member of the professional influencer body in order to monetize their social media.

Protect Members Of The Public

There are already rules in place for adverts but as they are so routinely flouted members of the public are often unaware when they are being sold to. There is little at the moment looking out for the mental health of consumers of social media and it’s negative impacts.

By making sure the rules are adhered to with effective regulation it will protect members of the public from dishonest and misleading adverts. Also if an individual does spot an advert that breaches the rules a professional organisation gives confidence that their complaint will be dealt with appropriately.

Protect Children from Being Monetized On Social Media

There’s a very strict set of rules concerning child actors and models. There’s next to no regulation of parents monetising their children on social media.

Children are indoctrinated by their own parents at a young age, whom they should trust, into seeing it normal to be used as a prop in adverts on social media.

Regulation is needed to tightly control this to protect minors.

Please sign below to end the wild wild west of social media to benefit society:

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Let us know what you think of Tattle’s Law in the comments below.


  1. The use of children for advertising needs regulating as soon as possible. It has been proven that children of instagrammers have been uploaded to porn sites. These children have not given their permission to be used and possibly receive no payment for being used as cash cows.
    The way that some influencers have used to hide ads is underhanded and sneaky. True regulation is needed to stop this.

  2. When will YouTube comply with COPPA rules.
    IMHO family vlogging channels where there are children featured under the age of 18 shouldn’t be monetised. When a child becomes an adult they can that make they informed choice, not by their greedy, money hungry parents.

  3. It really needs proper regulation. Influencers are the first to say their mental health is affected by using it as a buisness but what about all the people who they sell this unrealistic lifestyle to and their mental health?

  4. This is ridiculous, what gives you bunch of begrudgers the right to police anything, including social media? Claiming that you’re safeguarding the Internet!? By being judgemental & condescending of anyone who has the balls to put themselves out there? Don’t get me wrong I’m not an ‘influencer’ of any sort & have no interest in being one but I am so grateful for those who do share their lives with us online, I’ve found listening to them speak about their experiences helpful in so many ways and you people seem to just exist on these platforms to tear anyone with confidence down? I know there are questionnable Instagramers but I’ve observed influencers who are nothing but generous & helpful being slated by you pathetic lot of begrudgers. Put down yer phones & read a book, take a deep breath, anything but post on this pathetic website

    1. Please direct me to one of the people you say has a positive SM presence, pretty please, because all I see is grifters, scammers and filtered profiles!

  5. I think Lime Goss and Tattle are incarnate evil
    There is no truth in anything here.

    I wish the founder eternal shingles in hell

  6. I am embarrassed to be reading this crap. What has become of humanity when all anyone wants to do is watch other people living their lives. Some of you idolize and give your hard-earned money to rich strangers living in castles while others do nothing but criticize and envy (tattlers dont bother denying it, its f#@&%@# obvious). Either way it’s pathetic and sad. Look at your own life and fix what needs fixing in your own home. I plan to follow my own advice and get the hell off You Tube. I’m certainly not visiting Tattle again. You guys are nuts!

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